
研究成果の国際広報の支援について(Support for international public relations of your research)

'22年4月28日 更新
English follows Japanese


・Top 10%ジャーナルなど高インパクトジャーナルへの掲載(※)




1. 申請者情報
 1-1 氏名
 1-2 所属
2. 掲載予定の論文情報
 2-1. 掲載誌
 2-2. 論文タイトル
 2-3. 公開日
 2-4. 著者

 ホーム > お知らせ > 研究助成 > リサーチ・アドミニストレーター(URA)からのお知らせ


Contribution of the research to society became essential, and the researchers must explain their outcomes to the lay public. To respond to such a demand from society and to internationally promote your research, Division of Research Initiatives of Doshisha University will solicit high-impact papers to be published this fiscal year and publicize them using "EurekAlert!."

International publicizing of research may increase opportunities for joint research, and the study will further develop. If you would like to take this opportunity to promote your research paper internationally, please get in touch with us.

Conditions for candidate research paper
・The affiliation of the first author or the corresponding author must be Doshisha University.
・The paper's publication must be in FY2022 and within 90 days after publication.
・The paper's publisher must be high-impact journals, e.g., ranked in the top 10%. (*)

Number of papers to be supported
・We plan to fund about ten papers.

Implementation period
・Get in touch with us before the end of February 2023.
・We will end the support when the fund runs out.

Would you please provide us with the following information for your application?
Applicant: 1-1 Full name, 1-2 Affiliation
Article: 2-1 Journal, 2-2 Title of the paper, 2-3 Publishing date, 2-4 Author name(s)

Research Administrator (URA) at the Organization for Research Initiative & Development
E-mail: jt-ura@mail.doshisha.ac.jp

* Please refer to the related document below for searching the TOP10% ranked journals.
English follows Japanese


・Top 10%ジャーナルなど高インパクトジャーナルへの掲載(※)




1. 申請者情報
 1-1 氏名
 1-2 所属
2. 掲載予定の論文情報
 2-1. 掲載誌
 2-2. 論文タイトル
 2-3. 公開日
 2-4. 著者

 ホーム > お知らせ > 研究助成 > リサーチ・アドミニストレーター(URA)からのお知らせ


Contribution of the research to society became essential, and the researchers must explain their outcomes to the lay public. To respond to such a demand from society and to internationally promote your research, Division of Research Initiatives of Doshisha University will solicit high-impact papers to be published this fiscal year and publicize them using "EurekAlert!."

International publicizing of research may increase opportunities for joint research, and the study will further develop. If you would like to take this opportunity to promote your research paper internationally, please get in touch with us.

Conditions for candidate research paper
・The affiliation of the first author or the corresponding author must be Doshisha University.
・The paper's publication must be in FY2022 and within 90 days after publication.
・The paper's publisher must be high-impact journals, e.g., ranked in the top 10%. (*)

Number of papers to be supported
・We plan to fund about ten papers.

Implementation period
・Get in touch with us before the end of February 2023.
・We will end the support when the fund runs out.

Would you please provide us with the following information for your application?
Applicant: 1-1 Full name, 1-2 Affiliation
Article: 2-1 Journal, 2-2 Title of the paper, 2-3 Publishing date, 2-4 Author name(s)

Research Administrator (URA) at the Organization for Research Initiative & Development
E-mail: jt-ura@mail.doshisha.ac.jp

* Please refer to the related document below for searching the TOP10% ranked journals.
研究推進部 URA