
研究課題Research Subjects




SDG1 アイコン SDG8 アイコン SDG12 アイコン

研究代表者:舩津 浩司(法学部 教授)




12「つくる責任 つかう責任」


SDG4 アイコン SDG10 アイコン SDG16 アイコン

研究代表者:川嶋 四郎(法学部 教授)






SDG9 アイコン SDG12 アイコン SDG15 アイコン

研究代表者:古賀 智之(理工学部 教授)


刺激応答性高分子は、スマート高分子として知られ、周囲の環境に応答してナノ構造や物性が変化する。薬物送達、細胞足場、アクチュエータ、バイオセンサー、バイオセパレーション材料などの幅広い産業利用が期待されている。本研究では、上記課題を解決しうる新素材として、タンパク質を構成するアミノ酸を構成分子とした革新的な温度応答性高分子の開発とその体系化を行う。アミノ酸を利用する特徴は、(1)多様な構造(標準アミノ酸で20種)及びそれに基づく機能がデザインできる (2)再生可能資源である (3)環境適合性・生分解性に優れることである。SDGsを達成するための新しいスマート高分子システムを確立する。


12「つくる責任 つかう責任」


SDG4 アイコン SDG7 アイコン SDG13 アイコン
小原 克博(神学部 教授)
後藤 琢也(理工学部 教授)
稲岡 恭二(理工学部 教授)
林田 明(理工学部 教授)
野口 範子(生命医科学部 教授)
渡辺 公貴(生命医科学部 教授)
渡辺 政隆(生命医科学部 特別客員教授)
元山 純(脳科学研究科 教授)
武藤 崇(心理学部 教授)
石川 正道(高等研究教育院 特別客員教授)
桝 太一(ハリス理化学研究所 助教)
金津 和美(文学部 教授)
八木 匡(経済学部 教授)
和田 喜彦(経済学部 教授)
飯塚 まり(ビジネス研究科 教授)
服部 篤子(客員教授)
西山 啓一(学校法人 同志社 常務理事)
岩渕 泰晶(国立研究開発法人 宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)安全・信頼性推進部 システム安全・軌道利用安全推進ユニット 主任)



7「エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに」

新規 SDGs 用語「ブルーカーボン」のテレビ報道内容分析―SDGs コミュニケーションの視点から

SDG7 アイコン SDG13 アイコン SDG14 アイコン
桝 太一(ハリス理化学研究所 助教)
阿部 康人(社会学部 准教授)

本研究の目的は、日本の関東地区で放送される地上波テレビ番組を対象として、まだ認知度・理解度の低い科学用語「ブルーカーボン」に着目し、その報じられ方を分析・検証することである。「ブルーカーボン」とは海洋生態系に隔離・貯留される炭素のことを指すSDGs用語であり、社会への認知・理解の促進は、SDGs17の目標の中では「7.エネルギー」「13.気候変動」「14.海洋資源」 と密接に関連している。
本研究では一定期間内において「ブルーカーボン」を報じた番組の内容分析を行うことで、(1)どのジャンルのテレビ番組が、どれだけの量を報道したか (2)具体的にどんな演出手法を用いて認知・理解を促したか (3)総合的に、認知だけでなく理解まで至らせる内容を報道しているか の3点を検証する。これらの分析は桝太一(科学コミュニケーション論)と阿部康人(メディアコミュニケーション論)によって共同で行われ、“SDGsコミュニケーター”としてのテレビの有効性と課題を明らかにすることを最終目的とするものである。


7「エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに」


SDG1 アイコン SDG10 アイコン SDG16 アイコン
内藤 正典(グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 教授)
マキシミリエン・レーム(グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 大学院生)
米川 尚樹(グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 大学院生)





SDG3 アイコン SDG4 アイコン SDG9 アイコン
西村 周泰(研究開発推進機構 准教授)
正水 芳人(脳科学研究科 教授)





SDG7 アイコン SDG14 アイコン SDG15 アイコン
西村 慎之介(理工学部 助教)
金井 亮介(理工学研究科 大学院生)
瓜生 真里菜(理工学研究科 大学院生)

本研究で着目したグリセロールは、廃食用油から作られるバイオディーゼル燃料 (BDF) の製造時に生成する副生物である。BDFは化石資源を使わないクリーンな燃料であり、二酸化炭素排出量を実質ゼロと見なせるカーボンニュートラルを達成できる魅力的なエネルギー源である。しかしながら、副生したグリセロールは産業廃棄物として処理されているのが現状である。バイオマスである副生グリセロールから生体親和性と生分解性を併せ持つポリエステルを合成することができれば、カーボンニュートラルに貢献し、サステイナブルな合成技術としても意義深い。バイオマス由来かつ生物に優しいポリエステルの開発を行う本研究は、SDGsが掲げる資源循環や環境保全の達成に繋がるものである。


7「エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに」

SDGsに「色」はあるか? ~SDGsの違いがクラウドファンディングの成否に与える影響の実証研究~

SDG17 アイコン
野瀬 義明(ビジネス研究科 教授)
神山 拓央(大和証券株式会社)





SDG4 アイコン SDG5 アイコン SDG10 アイコン
﨑⽥ 智⼦(グローバル地域⽂化学部 教授)
Aysun Uyar(グローバル地域⽂化学部 准教授)
王 柳蘭(グローバル地域⽂化学部 准教授)
渡辺 ⽂(グローバル地域⽂化学部 助教)
⽯野 未架(グローバル地域⽂化学部 准教授)

本研究は、全ての学生と研究者が⾃由に学び議論し能力を発揮する、マイノリティに配慮したグローバルキャンパスを実現するための分野融合型プロジェクトである。様々な不平等に関して各学術分野においては議論が成熟してきたが、それらを融合させて捉え直し、真のグローバル教育と交流を可能にするため、SDGs目標である教育、不平等、ジェンダーをとりまく5つの研究フレーム(教育学、国際関係論、言語学、ジェンダー論、人類学)で調査を実施する中で見えてくる課題について議論する。具体的には、ジェンダーやエスニシティの捉え方、多様性の教育的意味、多⾔語主義グローバルキャンパス、文理融合型アプローチ、女性研究者の教育研究環境、UN Womenガイドラインによる不平等問題の検証などの課題に取り組み、ジェンダー問題を超えてダイバーシティを尊重できるようなグローバル社会の形成モデルを提案する。




SDG4 アイコン SDG5 アイコン
関 智宏(商学部 教授)





SDG5 アイコン SDG8 アイコン SDG10 アイコン
須貝 フィリップ(ビジネス研究科 教授)
井上 福子(ビジネス研究科 教授)





SDG4 アイコン SDG11 アイコン
多田 実(政策学部 教授)
佐藤 守弘(文学部 教授)
佐野 明子(文化情報学部 准教授)
小黒 純(社会学部 教授)
竹内 幸絵(社会学部 教授)




SARS-CoV-2 の Sタンパク受容体結合部位を標的とした新規ペプチド性COVID-19治療薬の開発

SDG3 アイコン
髙橋 美帆(生命医科学部 助教)





SDG4 アイコン SDG12 アイコン SDG13 アイコン SDG14 アイコン SDG15 アイコン
瓜生原 葉子(商学部 教授)



12「つくる責任 つかう責任」


SDG9 アイコン SDG12 アイコン
殷 勇(ビジネス研究科 教授)
Juan Liu (ビジネス研究科 Visiting Scholar)
Yuhong Ren (ビジネス研究科 Visiting Scholar)
Jiafu Tang (東北財経大学 教授)
Chenguang Liu (西北工業大学 教授)

この研究は、産業界において、Industry 4.0 の革新が持続可能な製造に対する影響を検証することを目的としています。これら最先端のテクノロジーを持続可能な製造手順に導入する上での利点や課題を明らかにすることを通じて、製造業者が環境に配慮した、リソース効率的で社会的に責任を持った生産を行うことを支援します。
また、この研究は、政策制定者にとっても有益なリソースとなることが期待されます。Industry 4.0 が持続可能な製造に寄与する様々な方法を明らかにすることで、政策制定者は、環境に配慮した製造実践にIndustry 4.0 技術を導入するための規制やインセンティブをより的確に開発することができます。
この包括的な研究計画は、Industry 4.0 の革新と持続可能な製造との関係を探求し、これらの最先端技術を採用する上での利点と課題を探究することにより、製造業者や政策制定者にとっての有益な洞察や指導を提供することができます。この研究は、製造業界の日新たる風景において、責任ある持続可能な生産の促進に寄与することが期待されます。


12「つくる責任 つかう責任」


SDG1 アイコン SDG4 アイコン SDG10 アイコン
吉田 悦章(ビジネス研究科 教授)





*Listed in alphabetical order of the principal researchers' names.

Sustainability in business laws

SDG1 icon SDG8 icon SDG12 icon

Principal Researcher: FUNATSU Koji (Professor, Faculty of Law)

Research Outline

Currently, corporate law is undergoing a major transformation. In the corporate law system, which largely defines the state of the corporation, the conventional view was that corporate activities should be aimed at the profit maximization of shareholders. However, it has been pointed out that such a goal-setting is having a negative impact on society as a whole, especially in this day and age when corporations have come to have a large presence in society. In other words, as a result of companies only thinking about the expansion of their own profits, especially when they operate outside their home countries, they easily commit human rights abuses such as economic exploitation (related to Goal 1 and 10) and child labor (related to Goal 8) and environmental destruction (related to Goals 12, 14, and 15) such as emission of harmful substances, which they do not commit in their home countries, and thus impose negative externalities on society. In light of this situation, there are calls for sustainability-conscious management by companies.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the position of sustainability in Japanese corporate law, based on discussions in other countries on the legal relationship between corporate law (especially corporate law) and sustainability.

Related SDGs

1 "No Poverty"
8 "Decent Work and Economic Growth"
12 "Responsible Consumption and Production"

In Search of Legally Remedial Safety Net Leaving No One Behind from the Perspective of Justice, Equality and Education

SDG4 icon SDG10 icon SDG16 icon

Principal Researcher: KAWASHIMA Shiro (Professor, Faculty of Law)

Research Outline

One of the most important issues in the current civil justice system in Japan is the "Implementation of ICT to Civil Proceedings". This is a project to digitize the entire range of court proceedings (civil litigation, civil execution, civil preservation, family court and insolvency proceedings etc.) and to make it possible to conduct proceedings via the Internet. While this is certainly an epoch-making legal reform in a symbiotic society with COVID-19 and an important step toward the establishment of a legally remedial safety net, it is undeniable that the current situation lags behind that of other advanced countries such as the U.S., Singapore and South Korea etc. and that there is a lack of consideration for the ordinary people. For example, consideration for the digitally vulnerable, support for persons with disabilities, and preparation of ICT for supporting pro se lawsuits, which were among the initial plans to be considered, have been postponed, and instead even unequal procedures that allow for speedy priority trials have been stipulated. Not only is there a lack of orientation toward "to create civil proceedings in which no one is left behind," but there is also a lack of coordination with other dispute resolution procedures, and even fears that this might lead to a disparity in procedures within the judiciary are becoming reality.
Therefore, in order to establish a fair and strong system that meets the justice principle of "a legally remedial safety net that leaves no one behind", this study aims to substantiate equality before the law (→SDG.10: Equality), to make concrete proposals that contribute to the enhancement of legal education related to civil justice (→SDG.4: Education) and to create a fair and strong justice institutions (→SDG.16: Justice).

Related SDGs

4 "Quality Education"
10 "Reduced Inequalities"
16 "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions"

Smart Polymer Materials from Renewable Resources

SDG9 icon SDG12 icon SDG15 icon

Principal Researcher: KOGA Tomoyuki (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Outline

Polymer materials such as fibers, plastics, and electronic materials, are closely related to our daily life. Recent remarkable progress in polymerization techniques has enabled the precise design and synthesis of diverse functional polymers with well-controlled molecular weight, polydispersity, molecular shape, and monomer sequence etc. On the other hand, most synthetic polymers are developed based on limited petroleum resources, and the problem of marine pollution (microplastics) has also arisen due to mass production/consumption of synthetic polymers. Therefore, it is desirable to develop new environmentally friendly polymeric materials with sustainable production.
Stimuli-responsive polymers, known as smart polymers, change their nanostructures and physicochemical properties in response to external stimuli such as temperature and solution pH. They are expected to have a wide range of industrial applications such as drug delivery, cell scaffolds, actuators, biosensors, and bioseparation materials. The aim of this research is to fabricate an amino acid-based smart polymer system with tailor-made thermo-responsiveness. The features of amino acids are (1) structural and functional diversity (20 types), (2) they are a renewable resource, and (3) high environmental compatibility and biodegradability. We will establish a new smart polymer system to achieve the SDGs.

Related SDGs

9 "Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure"
12 "Responsible Consumption and Production"
15 "Life on Land"

Development of the Next "Shinzan-Daitaku" for Education and Society: An Extension of Cosmology Based on Conscience

SDG4 icon SDG7 icon SDG13 icon
Principal Researcher:
KOHARA Katsuhiro (Professor, School of Theology)
Research Outline

This research project will succeed the research project adopted in FY2022, "The Next "Shinzan-Daitaku" Project: Expansion of the Concept of Conscience and its New Practices," and will further refine the unique perspective and methods of Doshisha, while developing the previous project with a focus on the following three new points.
(1) Space development and SDGs (in collaboration with JAXA)
In order to solve the issues of the SDGs from a long-term perspective, the relationship with space research and development is indispensable. Joseph H. Neesima, the founder of Doshisha, said, "A university is a place for the cultivation of knowledge and the study of space principles" ("The Purpose of the Establishment of a Private University to the People of Kyoto," 1888). When Neesima described his ideal image of a university, not only "Shinzan-Daitaku" ("big pond in the deep forest" from a Chinese classic) but also "cosmos" were important keywords. In order to reflect Neesima's cosmology in the present age, we aim to produce new results in the areas of space development and SDGs in cooperation with JAXA.
(2) Expansion into next-generation education (in collaboration with Doshisha corporate schools)
In order to achieve the goals of the SDGs, it is extremely important to educate the next generation who will be responsible for society and the global environment in the future. For this reason, this project will collaborate with Doshisha's school corporation.
(3) Social development (collaboration among industry, government, and academia, and science communication)
The project will collaborate with industry, which plays an important role in achieving carbon neutrality. In addition, science communication will be practiced to foster appropriate discussions.

Related SDGs

4 "Quality Education"
7 "Affordable and Clean Energy"
13 "Climate Action"

A Content analysis of Japanese Television programs about new SDGs keyword ”Blue Carbon”, from the perspective of SDGs-Communication

SDG7 icon SDG13 icon SDG14 icon
Principal Researcher:
MASU Taichi (Assistant Professor, Harris Science Research Institute)
Research Outline

The purpose of this study is to investigate how Japanese TV programs introduce the relatively unknown scientific term "Blue Carbon" to the audience in the Kanto region. "Blue Carbon" is a crucial SDGs term that refers to the carbon fixed from the atmosphere by marine ecosystems and stored in them, which helps to counter climate change. Promotion of public recognition and understanding about "Blue Carbon" is closely related to "7. Energy," "13. Climate Action," and "14. Oceans."
By analyzing the content of TV programs that introduce "Blue Carbon" during a certain period of time, this study examines the following three points: (1) Which TV genre introduced "Blue Carbon" and to what extent, (2) What specific direction techniques were employed to promote its recognition and understanding, and (3) to what extent the TV programs contribute to raising public awareness of this term and developing an accurate understanding of the scientific term. These analyses will be jointly conducted by Taichi Masu (Science Communication Theory) from the Harris Science Research Institute and Yasuhito Abe (Media & Communication Theory) from the Faculty of Social Studies. The ultimate goal of this collaborative research is to demonstrate the effectiveness of television as a "SDG communicator," highlighting its potential to raise public awareness and understanding of important SDGs-related scientific issues, and its limitations.
This study will provide valuable insights for media workers, and other stakeholders interested in effectively communicating complex scientific concepts to a wider audience.

Related SDGs

7 "Affordable and Clean Energy"
13 "Climate Action"
14 "Life below Water"

Refugee and Migrant Crisis in the Divided World

SDG1 icon SDG10 icon SDG16 icon
Principal Researcher:
NAITO Masanori (Professor, Graduate School of Global Studies)
Research Outline

The 2015 European refugee crisis occurred primarily due to the outflow of refugees to the EU who had fled to neighboring Turkey due to the Syrian civil war (Goal 16). But since then, the outflow of refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan, and African countries has not stopped. Based on this recognition of the current situation, this study will (1) identify the changes and the latest situation in the movement of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Islamic regions to Europe, (2) clarify the situation and problems of treatment in the host countries, and (3) identify what academic knowledge is needed to improve the world's fragmented situation. (3) What kind of academic knowledge is needed to improve the world's fragmented situation? That this research agenda is an urgent issue that is directly related to many of the SDGs by the UN is evident in the fact that the world was once again confronted with the outbreak of refugees caused by the war in Ukraine in 2022. Achievement of the SDG goals by the UN is being held back by pandemics and war. This multilayered problem of human mobility is the greatest challenge to the world since the end of the Cold War, and Niijima's belief that every person counts and that no one should be left behind is the basis for this research.

Related SDGs

1 "No Poverty"
10 "Reduced Inequalities"
16 "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions"

Establishment of research platform for brain senescence using human iPSC technology towards longer health expectancy

SDG3 icon SDG4 icon SDG9 icon
Principal Researcher:
NISHIMURA Kaneyasu (Associate Professor, Organization for Research Initiatives and Development)
Research Outline

Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by the selective loss of midbrain dopaminergic neurons. As most patients are over 65 years of age, the establishment of preventive and therapeutic strategies for Parkinson's disease is an urgent issue to enhance the quality of life for patients, their families and medical staffs involved in the care of the patients. A postmortem study of patients revealed that α-synuclein aggregates propagate through the brain in a prion-like manner with a pattern corresponding to synucleinopathy staging before onset of motor symptoms. The death of dopaminergic neurons caused by the spread of aggregated α-synuclein protein in the brain is known to be one of the triggers in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. Therefore, developing preventive strategies for the pathogenesis of synucleinopathy may contribute to reducing the number of Parkinson's disease patients and extending their healthy lifespan.
Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have the capacity to self-renew and generate all the cell types including neurons, making them a valuable source for understanding the pathogenesis of human neurological diseases. In addition, recent advances in human iPSC culture have enabled the induction of three-dimensional brain-like morphology, which can recapitulate the pathophysiology of neurological diseases.
This research project aims to contribute to achieving the SDGs (Goals 3, 4, and 9) through the following research using human iPSC technology.

Related SDGs

3 "Good Health and Well-being"
4 "Quality Education"
9 "Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure"

Synthesis of Biocompatible and Sustainable Polyester Comprising Glycerol as Raw Material

SDG7 icon SDG14 icon SDG15 icon
Principal Researcher:
NISHIMURA Shinnosuke (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Research Outline

Pollution of the soil and sea by microplastics generated from polymer materials and waste of energy resources due to supply of the excess materials have been big problems in the world. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to develop novel polymer materials with both biodegradability and biocompatibility which make effective use of biomass and achieve resource recycling. From the above background, our study aims to create biodegradable polymer materials derived from biomass that are safe for living organisms.
In this study, we focused on glycerol as a bio-based row material. Glycerol is a by-product produced during the production of biodiesel fuel made from waste cooking oil. The BDF is a clean fuel and an attractive energy source, which can achieve carbon neutrality with virtually zero carbon dioxide emissions, because the fuel does not use fossil resources. However, the by-produced glycerol is currently disposed of as industrial waste. If biocompatible and biodegradable polyester can be synthesized from the by-produced glycerol, which is biomass, it contributes to carbon neutrality and be significant as a sustainable synthetic technology. Thus, this research, which develops biomass-based and bio-friendly polyester, will lead to the achievement of resource recycling and environmental conservation set forth in the SDGs.

Related SDGs

7 "Affordable and Clean Energy"
14 "Life below Water"
15 "Life on Land"

Are there "colors" in the SDGs? ~Empirical Study of the Impact of Differences in SDGs on Crowdfunding Success or Failure~

SDG17 icon
Principal Researcher:
NOSE Yoshiaki (Professor, Graduate School of Business)
Research Outline

・In this study, we analyze the impact of the differences in each of the SDG goals based on the success or failure of fundraising through governmental crowdfunding (hereafter referred to as GCF). The analysis is conducted with the cooperation of TRUSTBANK, Inc.
・The response to the SDGs is essential for local governments. However, their financial resources are limited, and they need to raise additional funds.
・Hometown Tax Payment System is a new fundraising tool for local governments. However, the cost is excessive due to the need for expensive gifts in return. GCF, on the other hand, does not require any return gift. Taxpayers' attention is focused on how the funds are used.
・In essence, each of the 17 SDG goals is equally significant. They are not prioritized or weighed lightly. However, in the actual GCF, it is known that some goals are popular, and some are unpopular.
・This study aims to/will identify the SDG goals that are attractive to taxpayers. If SDG goals that are likely to bring in funds even without the need for gifts are identified, municipalities will be able to raise funds efficiently by concentrating on those goals.

Related SDGs

17 "Partnerships for the Goals"

Innovative Creation of Global Education and Research Environment to Realize Diversity and Inclusion beyond Gender Equality

SDG4 icon SDG5 icon SDG10 icon
Principal Researcher:
SAKITA Tomoko (Professor, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies)
Research Outline

New ideas or discoveries can only be generated in an academic environment that respects, promotes, and appreciates diversity and individual differences as well as preferences. In such an environment, people would not only accept but also respect and encourage diversity, treating individual differences as a starting point.
Our study employs a cross-disciplinary design to make our academic and working environment a better place for students and scholars to pursue academic and professional goals without any restriction. We will conduct research in five disciplines (pedagogy, international relations, linguistics, gender studies, and anthropology) and cover the SDG goals of education, inequality, and gender, in order to reconsider and integrate questions about multiple inequalities and to make it easier for people to learn and share global ideas. While the debate has grown in each academic discipline addressing the numerous inequities, our goal is to connect and recapture them with a cross-disciplinary approach in order to facilitate globally integrated education and communication means and perspectives in our society. Specifically, we will address the following issues: the meaning of gender and ethnicity, the educational effects of diversity, the achievement of multilingual global campus, the interaction between various disciplines in cross-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary ways, the educational and research environment for women researchers, and the examination of inequality issues in accordance with the UN Women internationally recognized guidelines. Thus, we will move beyond gender inequality issues to creating a better model that embraces diversity and individual differences in various circles of our societies.

Related SDGs

4 "Quality Education"
5 "Gender Equality"
10 "Reduced Inequalities"

A study on the process of starting business by women entrepreneurs in small firms

SDG4 icon SDG5 icon
Principal Researcher:
SEKI Tomohiro (Professor, Faculty of Commerce)
Research Outline

According to the World Economic Forum, Japan's "Gender Gap Index" in 2022 ranks 116th out of 146 countries, making it a gender-backward country. On the other hand, in the corporate world, the number of companies exceeding the government target of 30% women in managerial positions (section manager or above) remains in the single digits (according to a survey by Teikoku Databank), but the percentage of women in managerial positions in small companies is relatively high.
One of the reasons for this high percentage may be the presence of female directors of small firms, i.e., women entrepreneurs. However, there are several known hurdles to achieving small business management that allows women to exercise their abilities at their own discretion in the corporate world. It is not always clear how women can become entrepreneurs and how they can play an active role in Japanese corporate society. Therefore, in order to contribute to eliminating the gender gap in Japanese corporate society, this study aims to reveal the entrepreneurial process and the entrepreneurial education of starting and managing a series of small firms for women entrepreneurs.

Related SDGs

4 "Quality Education"
5 "Gender Equality"

Exploring the value of the SDGs in Firms; Exploring Firm/Employee value calculations Phase 2

SDG5 icon SDG8 icon SDG10 icon
Principal Researcher:
SUGAI Philip (Professor, Graduate School of Business)
Research Outline

The objective of this research project is to better understand how to measure the value that (1) senior leaders and (2) workers assign to achieving specific outcomes related to the UN's sustainable development goals 5, 8, & 10, and to compare these both inside of individual companies and across a group of 20 different companies in Japan.
We will focus on how the views of employees and senior leadership on Employee Value align, and what impact this have on overall company performance.
We have already developed a survey based on the 6 employee value themes we have previously identified, as well as 23 behaviors that companies can take related to these themes to demonstrate their commitment to creating long-term employee value.

Related SDGs

5 "Gender Equality"
8 "Decent Work and Economic Growth"
10 "Reduced Inequalities"

Next-generation cultural heritage marketing in Kyoto world heritage “Nijo Castle”

SDG4 icon SDG11 icon
Principal Researcher:
TADA Minoru (Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies)
Research Outline

This study will clarify that autonomous and sustainable community development is possible in Nijo Castle if the potential "value" of the area can be found by applying "value-driven marketing" to community development. For this purpose, in addition to quantitative analysis based on questionnaire surveys, we will attempt to generalize and systematize the methodology as "next-generation marketing for community revitalization" by trying qualitative analysis approaches that take into account affective science, such as using PR videos produced by the young people who will lead the next generation to verify their reactions, and to develop a "value-driven marketing" approach that can be applied to the restoration of cultural heritage. The aim is to develop a marketing strategy that will break through the current situation of Nijo Castle, which has not been able to raise funds for restoration.
In recent years, maintaining cultural heritage has become a challenge due to the enormous costs involved. In particular, cultural heritage sites that are not temples and shrines have become an urgent issue in terms of maintenance, as they have few sources of income. Therefore, based on empirical research findings, this study constructs a model for a marketing strategy that creates value for cultural heritage sites and their surrounding areas, using Nijo Castle in Kyoto as a model. This has great potential to construct and propose a general-purpose marketing strategy that can be widely applied to cultural heritage sites in Japan and abroad to create multifaceted value for cultural heritage.

Related SDGs

4 "Quality Education"
11 "Sustainable Cities and Communities"

Development of a novel therapeutic agent for SARS-CoV-2 infections by targeting the receptor binding site of the CoV spike glycoprotein.

SDG3 icon
Principal Researcher:
TAKAHASHI Miho (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences)
Research Outline

Development of new therapeutic drugs against SARS-CoV-2 infection can contribute to achieving the SDG 3, “good health and well-being for all ages”. The trimeric spike glycoprotein (S protein) is the major envelop protein of SARS-CoV-2, which is responsible for the receptor binding and viral entry into the host cell. The S protein contains a receptor binding domain (RBD), which can recognize the cell surface membrane protein, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Previously, we identified the peptide motifs that can bind to the RBDs of trimeric S protein with high affinities using the multivalent peptide library technique that we developed. In this project, we will synthesize the multivalent peptides containing candidate motifs and analyze the binding activities and specificities of these candidate peptides toward the RBD of S protein using biological experiments. Additionally, we will evaluate the inhibitory activities of these peptides against membrane fusion via the interaction between S protein and ACE2. These compounds can be used as novel therapeutic agents against SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Related SDGs

3 "Good Health and Well-being"

Research on the development of a programme for fostering the next generation to contribute to environmental conservation

SDG4 icon SDG12 icon SDG13 icon SDG14 icon SDG15 icon
Principal Researcher:
URYUHARA Yoko (Professor, Faculty of Commerce)
Research Outline

The goal of this series of studies is to contribute directly to the achievement of the SDGs by developing and implementing an 'education programme and its evaluation indicators' that will enable the next generation (from primary school to university students) to take voluntary environmental conservation action.
In this research, specific environmental conservation behaviours are set, the 'behavioural barriers', 'behavioural motives' and 'values' for the next generation to make these behaviours their own and implement them are clarified, and programmes incorporating these insights are developed, implemented and measured.
Various actions can be considered, for example, if each person takes the action of choosing a product with a certification mark (eco-labelling) and communicating that it is a social good, this will expand the circle and influence the production behaviour of the company.
The project plans to set up actions and implement them in model regions, taking into account which actions will contribute more to the achievement of the SDGs. Furthermore, the knowledge will be accumulated and refined into a universal programme that can be implemented nationwide.
As this is a social implementation study, it is characterised by its direct contribution to problem solving and the use of social marketing methods*.

Related SDGs

4 "Quality Education"
12 "Responsible Consumption and Production"
13 "Climate Action"
14 "Life below Water"
15 "Life on Land"

Innovations in Industry 4.0 and Their Impact on Sustainable Manufacturing

SDG9 icon SDG12 icon
Principal Researcher:
YIN Yong (Professor, Graduate School of Business)
Research Outline

The rapid emergence of Industry 4.0 has significantly influenced the manufacturing sector, with groundbreaking technologies and automation becoming integral components in the industry's transformation. As these innovations continue to reshape the landscape of manufacturing, it is essential to examine their impact on sustainable manufacturing practices and the ways in which they can be harnessed to foster responsible production. This research proposal aims to delve into the intricate relationship between Industry 4.0 innovations and sustainable manufacturing, meticulously analyzing the potential benefits and challenges associated with incorporating Industry 4.0 technologies into sustainable manufacturing processes.
The overarching objective of this research is to scrutinize the influence of Industry 4.0 innovations on sustainable manufacturing, striving to pinpoint the advantages and hurdles involved in implementing these state-of-the-art technologies within sustainable manufacturing procedures. By conducting an in-depth investigation, the research will illustrate how Industry 4.0 can be employed to make production processes more environmentally friendly, resource-efficient, and socially responsible.
Furthermore, this research will provide valuable insights and guidance for manufacturers seeking to incorporate Industry 4.0 technologies into their operations. By identifying best practices and potential pitfalls, the research will equip manufacturers with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about adopting Industry 4.0 strategies while maintaining a strong commitment to sustainability.
In addition to assisting manufacturers in their pursuit of sustainable manufacturing, this research will also serve as a valuable resource for policymakers. By shedding light on the various ways in which Industry 4.0 can contribute to sustainable manufacturing, the research will enable policymakers to develop well-informed regulations and incentives that encourage the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies into eco-friendly manufacturing practices.
In summary, this comprehensive research proposal will explore the intricate relationship between Industry 4.0 innovations and sustainable manufacturing, delving into the benefits and challenges associated with the adoption of these cutting-edge technologies. By providing valuable insights and guidance for manufacturers and policymakers alike, this research will ultimately contribute to the promotion of responsible, sustainable production in the ever-evolving landscape of the manufacturing industry.

Related SDGs

9 "Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure"
12 "Responsible Consumption and Production"

Establishing ICT-enhanced “University Tuition Insurance Platform” – to avoid students' unexpected financial difficulties of continuing education

SDG1 icon SDG4 icon SDG10 icon
Principal Researcher:
YOSHIDA Etsuaki (Professor, Graduate School of Business)
Research Outline

This research is intended to construct a conceptual framework that enables those college students that face unexpected financial difficulties and that must leave the college because of that financial reason. The framework focus on insurance mechanism with a good use of information and communication technology, which enables continuation of their education under such circumstances. From the perspective of correcting economic disparities and leading to the continuation of education, it falls into the category of Goals 1, 4, and 10 of SDGs.
Not just due to the recent covid outbreak, there are surprisingly many cases where students / their parents have unexpectedly become unable to work, making it difficult to pay tuition fees, and giving up on continuing to attend university. According to a survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 20% of university dropouts are for economic reasons. Poverty is a major social issue even in Japan, and the purpose of this research is to develop a concrete mechanism for its solution.
Due to constraints of budget and period, this research alone will not develop a software and insurance products, and implement them. It will bring about practice-oriented research outcome. Some of the research ideas are related to value framework in Islam, which overlaps with part of the principles of the SDGs. Hence, the research results will be interdisciplinary as well.

Related SDGs

1 "No Poverty"
4 "Quality Education"
10 "Reduced Inequalities"